This activity allows you to make your own kaleidoscope from some simple materials. We have 30 packs available so send an email to with your name and address to get yours!

What you’ll need:

In your art pack:

Acetate/clear plastic
Silver card
Sequins/tiny beads

Other materials from home:

Toilet roll tube
Strong glue

Use your toilet roll tube, draw two circles on the clear acetate provided. One circle should be cut slightly smaller than the line so that it can fit inside the toilet roll and one should be slightly larger so that it can be glued to the bottom of the toilet roll. Cut out both circles. Always ask an adult to help when using the scissors.

Use a marker or pencil to push the plastic about 2cm into the tube.

Put in the sequins. Use strong glue to attach the second circle of plastic to the outside. Once glue is completely set, you can cut the excess plastic off.

Use a ruler to help keep bends in silver card straight. If you are using a toilet roll, each side should be about 4cm (this may vary slightly dependent on your roll size). You will make 3 bend lines and cut.

You now have a triangular tube to push inside the toilet roll tube.

Decorate the outside of the tube with your own designs using crayons, paint or collage.

Look through whilst slowly rotating and watch the patterns change, giving a magical quality to your surroundings!


This project has been supported by the Community Foundation for Northern Ireland through
Void Online.